Cmake options
Cmake options

  1. Cmake options full#
  2. Cmake options software#

In the case of a header-only CinderBlock, there won't be a target, but you can still specify the include and library dependencies with BLOCK_NAME_INCLUDE_DIRS and BLOCK_NAME_LIBRARIES. Get_filename_component( CINDER_PATH "$ ) command, along with any other dependencies on the block.

cmake options

For example, here is the CMakeLists.txt file used for building the _opengl/ObjLoader sample: cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR ) To simplify configuring your project and the many platform-specific particulars, we use a utility function called ci_make_app(), which takes a number of arguments to build your application. You can still build it from the base directory of your project if you choose, with something like: cd my_project You'll find the CMakeLists.txt file will be at proj/cmake/CMakeListst.txt. Often the best thing to do when adding CMake support to your own project is to look at one of the samples as a starting point. Can be used for reducing build time when there is no requirement for video features. Can be used for reducing build time when there is no requirement for audio features.ĬINDER_DISABLE_VIDEO: Build Cinder without video support. Can be used for reducing buid time when GUI support through AntTweakBar is not a requirement.ĬINDER_DISABLE_AUDIO: Build Cinder without audio support. Be prepared to wait a while.ĬINDER_DISABLE_ANTTWEAKBAR: Build Cinder without GUI support. For example, adding the option -DCINDER_BUILD_SAMPLE=BasicApp will also build the BasicApp sample and place it at build/Debug/BasicApp/ĬINDER_BUILD_ALL_SAMPLES: Specifying True here will tell CMake to try to build all of the samples within cinder's samples directory. It will end up in the current build folder. Note that headless mode is supported only on Linux.ĬINDER_BUILD_TESTS: Builds the unit tests (You can then run the tests from the command line with make test / make check).ĬINDER_BUILD_SAMPLE: Specify the name of a single sample to build, after libcinder successfully builds. When building for osmesa you can additionally set OSMESA_ROOT to specify the root directory where Mesa is installed ( useful in the case that Mesa is installed locally and not systemwide ).

cmake options

Cmake options software#

Available options are egl for hardware accelerated rendering through EGL and the EGL_EXT_platform_device extension when available ( currently only NVIDIA ) or osmesa for software rendering through Mesa and OpenSWR. This allows for offscreen (desktop modern OpenGL) rendering on systems without a display or even a GPU attached. These are useful when you are building for something like the Raspberry Pi.ĬINDER_HEADLESS_GL: Configure Cinder with support for headless rendering. Usually defaults to ogl (desktop modern OpenGL), but other valid options are es2, es3, and es31. ).ĬINDER_TARGET_GL: Sets the target OpenGL version. This defaults to one appropriate for the current operating system, but in some cases, for example Android, you must set it manually (i.e.

Cmake options full#

Some of the more common settings are listed below, take a look in the CMakeCache.txt file for a full and updated list.ĬINDER_VERBOSE: prints out verbose information from within Cinder's CMake scripts during configuration.ĬINDER_TARGET: Sets the target to compile to. All settings related to cinder are prefixed with CINDER_. There are a few project configuration settings you can change by either editing the CMakeCache.txt file (or using some GUI to do this), or from the command line with the -D option. lib/macosx/Debug/libcinder.a and lib/macosx/Release/libcinder.a), so multiple configurations can live side by side. The runtime output directory for different configurations will automatically end up within different folders (e.g. By default you'll be building for Debug configuration, to build release you change the above cmake command to: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. Upon completion, this will generate a static libcinder binary within the $(CINDER_PATH)/lib folder for your application to link against. Then the process is similar to most other cmake projects you may have used, for example you can do the following from within the main cinder repo path: mkdir build To build libcinder from the command line, first make sure you have CMake version 2.8 or later installed.

cmake options

Assign compiler configurations to targets.Running a Cinder sample directly from Cinder's main project.Using CLion to build libcinder and your application.Writing CMake support for a CinderBlock.Printing verbose information when building your application.See the section on platform-specific notes for details. This is Cinder's officially supported build system on most POSIX platforms, though in general you can use cinder's cmake system on any platform. This document describes how you can build libcinder and your application using cmake.

Cmake options